December 2020 Newsletter

Holiday Concert
A virtual holiday performance will be available for your viewing soon! Check our Facebook page for details coming soon.

Mom’s Night Out: Holiday Edition!
Band moms! Join us on Friday, 12/4 from 7:00-9:00pm in the CRHS Art Rooms to make and take a specially designed CRHS band craft! Merry and Bright Décor Board ($30.00) or Proud Band Mom Wreath ($35.00). Click here to sign up:

Christmas Ornament
CRHS 2020 Christmas Ornaments are available for purchase on our website The ornaments are $15.00; personalized with student name and instrument are an additional $2.00. THE SALE ENDS ON 12/4/20. Thank you to Tracey Hartzog for creating these especially for CRHS band!

Panthers Stadium
More volunteer opportunities are coming up for the Panther’s Stadium Concession stand. Scheduled events and sign up links are as follows:
Sunday, 12/13:
Saturday, 12/19:
Wednesday, 12/30:
Sunday, 1/3:
Check the CRHS Band Booster Facebook page for more information. Questions? [email protected]

Blood Drive
Thank you to those who participated in our 2nd Blood Drive! The next opportunity will be Saturday February 20, 2021. More details coming soon.

Restaurant Night
A BIG thanks for those who ordered Toppers in November! Our next restaurant night will be in December; check Facebook for restaurant location and date.

Band Fees
District Activity Fee: $100 payable via credit card
Marching Band Fees: $300 payable via
1. Credit card at
2. Check made out to FMDBBC and mailed to P.O. Box 1114 Fort Mill, SC 29715
3. Check made out to FMDBBC and dropped in Mr. Dickey’s office.
Questions? [email protected]

Facemasks and Buffs Available
CRHS facemasks and buffs are available to order and purchase online at Pick Up dates: Please check the Facebook page for the most current information.

Join the Band Facebook Group Page
Band Parents/Students ONLY: Search for “Catawba Ridge HS Band Boosters” and answer membership questions.
Family/Friends Page:

Corporate Sponsors
The CRHS band is current looking for possible Corporate Sponsors as part of our Fundraising initiative. If you work for a company or know someone who does that might be interested in partnering with us, please email [email protected]

Band Photos Access
In an effort to provide parents with greater access to Catawba Ridge Band and Color Guard pictures, we are creating private personal photo albums online in google photo. Each member of the band and color guard will get a unique personal album link to all of the pictures they are in. This album will update as new pictures are added over time. The link can be shared with friends and family. We will require the following information to create your family link:
Parents – Name(s)
Parents – Email Address
Parents – Mobile Phone #
Child’s – Name(s)
Please email the info to: [email protected]