September 2020 Newsletter

Band Director Update:
As of today, our plan is to play the National Anthem at our home football games and then depart the stadium so we don’t count against the allowable paid attendance. We will do most of our preparation for this during class, but will need a few practices after school in order to put everything together. I will announce the dates and times soon.
What a wonderful 1st day of school (times 2, Deja vu)! Everyone is accounted for and the students are excited to see their friends. This fall will be different than traditional fall marching band, but we have an exciting curriculum planned that will have marching band re-imagined. If you want to see what I am talking about check out the links to Walt Disney World’s Future Corps at or Broadway’s production of Blast! at
Thank you to the many parents that have already sent in your students forms and $300 fee for band. If you have not done this, please take care of it as soon as possible. In addition, the school district has a $100 activity and transportation fee that they charge. This fee is paid directly to the school district on their website. Even though we are not traveling with the marching band this fall, we should be traveling later in the year for percussion ensemble, winter guard, region band, all-state band, concert performance assessment, etc. and the district fee includes this.
I look forward to a great year of band at Catawba Ridge High School. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.
Martin Dickey
Catawba Ridge Head Band Director

Booster Club Parent Welcome Meetings
Please plan on attending the PARENT MEETINGS scheduled as follows:
Freshman/Seniors: Tuesday, 9/15/20 at 6:30 pm
Sophomores: Thursday, 9/17/20 at 6:30 pm
Juniors: Thursday, 9/17/20 at 8:00 pm
Meetings will be held at the CRHS Band Room.

Masks and Buffs Have Arrived!
Masks/Buffs are available for pick up on Friday, 9/4/20 from 4:15-5:45 pm and Tuesday, 9/8/20 from 4:15-5:45 pm. Please enter the school at the Student/Athletic entrance, enter the parking lot on your right and drive up to the door. A tent will be set up and volunteers will bring your items to you. P.S. You can still order your CRHS masks and buffs by visiting to purchase. Masks: $9.00; Buffs: $11.00.

Fees to Be Paid
District Activity Fee: $100 payable via credit card
Marching Band Fees: $300 payable via
1. Credit card at
2. Check made out to FMDBBC and mailed to P.O. Box 1114 Fort Mill, SC 29715
3. Check made out to FMDBBC and dropped in Mr. Dickey’s office.
Questions? [email protected]

Volunteers Needed
We need your help! All Band volunteers must be registered as a Secure Volunteer through FMSD: Please click on the link to complete the form:
For more specific information, please click on the link to complete the CRHS Band parent volunteer form.
*Please note: If you have submitted the electronic volunteer form, email [email protected] in order to be approved.

Pit Crew Updates
The Pit Crew, headed by Jay Schwartz has been working on making updates to the band trailer. If you would like to help, please email Jay at [email protected]

Laundry Detergent Fundraiser
Our first laundry detergent fundraiser was a success! Thank you to all who shared the information and ordered products to help support the band.

Join the Band Facebook Group Page
Band Parents/Students ONLY: Search for “Catawba Ridge HS Band Boosters” and answer membership questions.

Facebook Events Page

Blood Drive: Thank you!
Thank so much for those of you who came out and support the band while donating needed supplies. The next Blood Drive is scheduled for SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH. More information coming soon.

Band Photos Access
In an effort to provide parents with greater access to Catawba Ridge Band and Color Guard pictures, we are creating private personal photo albums online in google photo. Each member of the band and color guard will get a unique personal album link to all of the pictures they are in. This album will update as new pictures are added over time. The link can be shared with friends and family. We will require the following information to create your family link:
Parents – Name(s)
Parents – Email Address
Parents – Mobile Phone #
Child’s – Name(s)
Please email the info to: [email protected]

Updated Website
Check out our new website for all of your up to date general information and to order band swag!

Calling for Chaperones
If you are interested in chaperoning for the band, please email [email protected]

Corporate Sponsors
The CRHS band is current looking for possible Corporate Sponsors as part of our Fundraising initiative. If you work for a company or know someone who does that might be interested in partnering with us, please email [email protected]

Thank you!
A BIG THANK YOU to Whit’s Frozen Custard in Baxter and Empire Pizza in Baxter for their recent Spirit Night events. If you didn’t get a chance to attend either of these, more will be coming soon. In the meantime, please support these local businesses who are supporting our band!

Save the Date
Papa Murphy’s Spirit Night is scheduled for October 14th. More information coming soon!