January 2021 Newsletter

Happy New Year! I hope everyone was able to spend some time with their families and take a bit of a break from the year that was 2020. Last year was beyond difficult for everyone, especially our Band kids. It has taught us patience and tested our resiliency. We are Band People, so there is no doubt we will come back stronger than ever this year. We are working on some exciting plans for 2021 that we hope to announce in the coming months. Everyone stay safe and we hope to see you soon!
Rick Weslock
Band Booster President

Blood Drive
Blood Drive
Saturday February 20th is our 3rd community wide event and fundraiser to be held at CRHS. Come out and support the band while donating needed supplies. Click on the link to sign up: https://www.oneblood.org/donate-now/donation-centers-list-select-time.stml?driveID=990111

Panthers Stadium
Thanks to everyone who volunteered at the Panthers Stadium Concession stand this past football season. As of now our next events will be the concerts on April 10th (Garth Brooks) and April 17th (Billy Joel). Please check our Facebook page for sign ups.

January Spirit Night
Look for our January Spirit Night Announcement coming soon!

Band Fee Payments
Please make sure all your band fee payments are up to date.
District Activity Fee: $100 payable via credit card https://www.studentquickpay.com/fort-mill/
Marching Band Fees: $300 payable via
1. Credit card at https://crhs.band
2. Check made out to FMDBBC and mailed to P.O. Box 1114 Fort Mill, SC 29715
3. Check made out to FMDBBC and dropped in Mr. Dickey’s office.
Questions? charms@crhs.band

Face Masks and Buffs Available
Are your current facemasks and buffs getting worn out? Purchase new ones on our online band store!