April 2021 Newsletter

Parent Booster Meeting

All rising 9th grade and current band parents are invited to attend the Parent Band Booster Meeting on Thursday, April 29th at 7:00pm in the CRHS Auditorium. Information will be presented on May/Summer band practice schedule and the upcoming fall marching band season. Questions? info@crhs.band

Golf Tournament

The first annual CRHS Golf Tournament will be Monday, May 17th at the Fort Mill Golf Club. Please join us in this fun event to play golf and raise money for the CRHS marching band. We also need your help in 2 ways: volunteering at the event and monetary donations to purchase door prizes for the attendees. Additionally, we are looking for corporate/business sponsors for the event. Please click on the links below for more information:

Signup to Golf: golf.crhs.band

Sign Up to Volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508044baea72aa75-golf

Sign Up to Donate for Door Prizes:


Sponsors: info@crhs.band

Percussion Ensemble Performance

Join us on Thursday, April 15th at 7:30pm in the CRHS main gymnasium for the Winter Percussion Final Performance. You don’t want to miss this!

Spring Blood Drive

Our next Blood Drive will be Saturday, May 22nd in the CRHS student parking lot. Sign up here to donate:


Winter Guard Season

Congratulations to the CRHS Winter Guard for their outstanding show season. Thank you for your wonderful performances! To view the show, please visit Catawba Ridge High School Band Booster Facebook page.

HS Colorguard Auditions

Interested in participating in the CRHS colorguard next year? Open to 7th-11th graders and no experience required. Auditions will be held from 4:00pm to 6:30pm on Monday, 4/19/21, Tuesday, 4/20/21 and Thursday, 4/22/21. Need more information? Email catawbaridgeguard@gmail.com

April Spirit Night

Join us on Wednesday, April 21st for our next Spirit Night at the Local Dish in downtown Fort Mill. 5:00pm – 9:00pm, Dine In OR Take Out. Mention the band to your server, and the band will receive 10% of the pre-tax total from the night.

Band Mom’s Night Out

Band Mom’s – this one’s for you! Come out for an evening of crafts and fun. More information coming soon.

Face Masks and Buffs Available

Support the band and look good with your brand new CRHS mask or buff! Purchase on our online band store.

Questions? Officer Contact Information:

President: Rick Weslock
Vice President: Jodie Glenn
Treasurer/Band Store: Katie Marciniak
Secretary/Communications: Melissa Reinhardt
General Inquiries: info@crhs.band