October 2020 Newsletter

1st Band Performance!
Congrats to the CRHS Marching Band on your first performance at the Football game. We are proud of you!

Mattress Sale
Spread the word! Our biggest fundraiser will be here on October 17th. Check Facebook and CHARMS for important information. Questions? [email protected]

Looking for something fun to do next Friday night? Join us for our first Band Mom’s Night Out!—Friday, October 9th from 7pm to 9pm at CRHS.— We’ll be creating Band Themed Decor Boards, while social distancing (masks required). Snacks, water provided. Watch your kiddo do their pre-game run through, then come join us for a fun night out. First come, first serve – hosting a max of 10 people! All proceeds go to Band Booster Club. Sign-up Genius Link: below!https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0944aaa92fa0fb6-band

Trunk Or Treat
Get ready for the 2nd annual CRHS Trunk or Treat! Friday, 11/6/20 after the band performance at the Football game. Park in the student parking lot, decorate your car and have candy ready to go by 7:30pm. Masks are required; costumes are encouraged!

We need your help! All Band volunteers must be registered as a Secure Volunteer through FMSD: Please click on the link to complete the form:
For more specific information, please click on the link to complete the CRHS Band parent volunteer form. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScm4BsK0R0RJKtVWjrg5-BV00eB9IWhY0P80vMXxe0WVgW0Fg/viewform
*Please note: If you have submitted the electronic volunteer form, email [email protected] in order to be approved.

Band Fees
District Activity Fee: $100 payable via credit card https://www.studentquickpay.com/fort-mill/
Marching Band Fees: $300 payable via
1. Credit card at https://crhs.band
2. Check made out to FMDBBC and mailed to P.O. Box 1114 Fort Mill, SC 29715
3. Check made out to FMDBBC and dropped in Mr. Dickey’s office.
Questions? [email protected]

October Spirit Night
Someone else prepares your dinner, you bake and help the band! Papa Murphy’s “Take and Bake” is our October Restaurant Spirit Night. Orders must be placed by Thursday, 10/15/20 via this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ONE9Z_wy98WVldQIZ0ndGpSVLCQ4PDN9OrDHNzIbfw8/edit Pick up and payment will be at the CRHS student parking lot on Wednesday, 10/21/20.
Questions? [email protected]

Facemasks and Buffs Available
CHRS facemasks and buffs are available to order and purchase online at store.crhs.band.

Blood Drive
Saturday, November 14, 2020 is our 2nd community wide event and fundraiser to be held at CRHS. Come out and support the band while donating needed supplies. Please go to https://donor.oneblood.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/99012 to sign up for a time to donate. The testing includes the following: COVID19 Antibody Test, Blood Pressure, Temperature, Iron Count, Pulse and Cholesterol Screening. FREE gifts also!

Panthers Stadium
Be on the lookout for Sign Ups to help at the Panther’s Stadium Concession stand. The next game is scheduled for Thursday, 10/29/20. Check the CRHS Band Booster Facebook page for more information.

Join the Band Facebook Group Page
Band Parents/Students ONLY: Search for “Catawba Ridge HS Band Boosters” and answer membership questions.

Facebook Events Page
Family/Friends: https://www.facebook.com/catawbaridgeband/

Corporate Sponsors
The CRHS band is current looking for possible Corporate Sponsors as part of our Fundraising initiative. If you work for a company or know someone who does that might be interested in partnering with us, please email [email protected]

Band Photos Access
In an effort to provide parents with greater access to Catawba Ridge Band and Color Guard pictures, we are creating private personal photo albums online in google photo. Each member of the band and color guard will get a unique personal album link to all of the pictures they are in. This album will update as new pictures are added over time. The link can be shared with friends and family. We will require the following information to create your family link:
Parents – Name(s)
Parents – Email Address
Parents – Mobile Phone #
Child’s – Name(s)
Please email the info to: [email protected]